<h2 align="center">Clickable Michigan County Map</h2> <h3 align="center">Click on the map for the area you are interested in!</h3> <p align="center"> <map name="FPMap0"> <area target="_top" href="migl.htm" shape="polygon" coords="512, 819, 514, 779, 529, 778, 524, 738, 533, 737, 533, 697, 615, 691, 615, 682, 700, 676, 692, 805, 660, 815, 517, 824"> <area target="_top" href="miae.htm" shape="polygon" coords="325, 826, 382, 696, 535, 696, 534, 737, 525, 739, 527, 779, 514, 781, 513, 818"> <area target="_top" href="miqz.htm" shape="polygon" coords="511, 696, 510, 610, 533, 611, 530, 527, 739, 524, 727, 725, 699, 724, 700, 677, 616, 682, 614, 690"> <area target="_top" href="mimp.htm" shape="polygon" coords="367, 527, 529, 528, 531, 611, 511, 609, 510, 696, 369, 693, 353, 592"> <area target="_top" href="mine.htm" shape="polygon" coords="513, 331, 547, 343, 654, 382, 645, 526, 507, 525, 507, 415, 516, 412"> <area target="_top" href="minw.htm" shape="polygon" coords="356, 527, 368, 389, 375, 354, 427, 356, 422, 326, 474, 320, 514, 329, 517, 412, 504, 414, 508, 526"> <area target="_top" href="miup.htm" shape="polygon" coords="597, 354, 691, 251, 466, 176, 311, 37, 171, 24, 93, 59, 86, 140, 32, 210, 32, 270, 198, 333, 272, 441, 364, 392, 374, 355, 424, 353, 423, 323, 476, 322, 522, 331"> </map> <img border="0" src="photos1/MImap.gif" width="766" height="865" usemap="#FPMap0"></p>